Crime Against Women in India

Gender equality is a very popular topic of debate in this country. Urbanized men often crib that women have all the rights and some laws should now be framed to protect men from women! This article is going to show how different the real situation is. There are several laws in our constitution, to protect women. The sad part is these laws are rarely ever imposed.

Over 32000 murders, 19,000 rapes, 7500 dowry deaths and 36500 molestation cases were reported in India in 2006. However there are many instances where crime against women, goes unreported. These are figures released by the National Crime Records Bureau. While Madhya Pradesh is worst off among the states, the national capital New Delhi continues to hold on to its reputation of being the most unsafe city in India. Delhi takes the top slot for crimes ranging from murders and rapes to dowry deaths and abductions. Instead of leading the way in tackling crime, the country’s capital is a cauldron of crime. While the national crime rate declined negligibly by .02 % in 2006; Delhi's rate grew to 357.2, more than double the national average of 167.7. These details reflect the efficacy of our law and order system.

Giving and taking dowry is a crime, yet the practice goes on. In fact people unabashedly display the objects they get as dowry and no action is taken against them. Female foeticide and infanticide is also a crime. Then why is the female population of North India, less than the male population? If a rapist agrees to marry his victim, his crime is forgiven! Wife-bashing is the favourite sport of Indian men! A woman can’t step out of her house at night. If she does, she fears that she will be the next Saumya Vishwanathan. If a beautiful woman does not want to love a man, he publicly throws acid on her face. Women are exploited by their bosses in their workplaces and owing to dire financial constraints, they have to suffer their nonsense. After all India is an overpopulated country and there aren’t enough jobs.

As many as 18 women are assaulted in some form or the other, every hour, across India. Even foreigners aren’t spared. We have a reputation, alright! Cases of rape have become so commonplace that people don’t even bother to express their shock or despair, when they hear about a rape. Filing a police complaint in this case, is a nightmare and the investigations which follow are humiliating. Policemen are expected to protect women. However, if you are an Indian woman, you should know that they are more dangerous than most criminals. They’ll give you the nastiest of glares.Ladies who go to police stations at night often complain of misbehaviour and the charges of rape and molestation against police officers are a proof of this. Alas! Our society forgets the rapist but it never forgives the victim. It seems women have accepted the reality. They don’t complain any more, they choose to be careful, instead.

Meetings and seminars are organized from time to time to analyze the cases of crime against women. Most come to the conclusion that laws should be enforced. These days people are talking about making molestation a non-bailable offence. However, like the other laws, this would also be forgotten. Punishments set an example. People who are guilty of crime against women, should be humiliated and insulted in every possible way, in public. Their life should be made a living hell and every aspect of their trial should be covered by the media. So that, people think twice before molesting women.





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